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This is us…

We are Hope City! Our name is founded on an image that Jesus painted when he said: “a CITY on hill, can not be hidden.” (Mat.5:14) The image of the city in the bible was one of hope. When a traveler would go from one place to another, they would long to find a city, through the journey, the road would have wild animals, violent gangs, and the possibility of not finding food or water. When travelers found a city, they found hope, it was a refuge, a place of rest and place to regain strength health. 

Our Story

The Beginning

Our church is active in the northwest side of Dallas, as we continue to expand and reach this city for Jesus, we started to pray and believe God to guide us in reaching a greater part of the city and we started to plan this new project in reaching north east dallas.

Our People

Most of our congregation are new, we are a young baby church that is filled with people who have either migrated to Dallas, from another state or another country. We have a lot of people who are beginning their walk with Christ or returning to their faith in Christ.

The Future

We have a vision to connect people to not just make a prayer to acknowledge Jesus, but to connect people with Jesus in a live relationship, to grow spiritually and create disciples. We promote relationship above religion, and promote the hope that can not be found outside of Jesus.

“We are a diverse community that promotes the value of relationship, and the hope of a God who lived among us.”

We Invite You!!

We Value

Here are some of the things we value as a church community